Scientific Committee: Arie ARNON (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Maria Cristina MARCUZZO (Lincea,
Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy), Alessandro RONCAGLIA (Linceo, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy), Annalisa
ROSSELLI (Lincea, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy), Neri SALVADORI (Linceo, Università di Pisa, Italy), Roberto
SCAZZIERI (Linceo, Università di Bologna, Italy) Jimmy WEINBLATT (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Monday, December 12
9:00 Welcome addresses
I session: History of Money and Banking
Chair: Arie ARNON
9:15 Barry EICHENGREEN (University of California, Berkeley, USA): The Rise and Fall of Currency
Discussant: Arie ARNON
Warren YOUNG (Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel) and Edward W. FULLER (Independent Researcher): 100 per
cent Money in Time of Crisis
Discussant: German FELDMAN
10:45 Coffee break
II session (a): Early Debates on Commodity and Paper Money
Chair: Roberto SCAZZIERI
11:15 Margaret SCHABAS (University of British Columbia, Canada): Hume on Paper Money and the Nominal/Real Distinction
Discussant: Roberto SCAZZIERI
Lilia COSTABILE (Università di Napoli, Italy) and François VELDE (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, USA): The
Transition from Commodity Money to Fiduciary Money in the Kingdom of Naples (16th-17th century)
Discussant: Carlos SUPRINYAK
12:45 Lunch
II session (b): Early Debates on Commodity and Paper Money
Chair: Annalisa ROSSELLI
14:00 Richard VAN DEN BERG (Kingston University London, UK): Turgot’s Early Views on Capital, Interest and Profit
Discussant: Annalisa Rosselli
Ghislain DELEPLACE (Université de Paris 8, France): Storm in a Teacup? The Impact of War on the English Monetary
System and Thought (1797-1821)
Discussant: Neri SALVADORI
15:30 Coffee break
2022 Guggenheim Prize Winner Lecture
Chair: Jimmy WEINBLATT (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
16:00 Address by Thomas GUGGENHEIM (Thomas Guggenheim Foundation, Geneve, Switzerland)
Emma ROTHSCHILD (Harvard University, USA): Money and Anomie
Tuesday, December 13
III session: Money and Exchanges at the Periphery
09:00 Carlos SUPRINYAK (The American University of Paris, France) and André RONCAGLIA DE CARVALHO (Universidade
Federal de São Paulo, Brazil): Bringing Latin America into the Mainstream: The 1963 Rio de Janeiro Conference on Inflation
and Growth
Discussant: Ivo MAES
German FELDMAN (Banco Central de la Republica Argentina, Buenos Aires) and Pablo MOLDOVAN (Banco Central
de la Republica Argentina, Buenos Aires): The Role of Foreign Exchange Controls in the Periphery: Some Lessons from
the Recent Argentine Experience
Discussant: François VELDE
10:30 Coffee Break
IV session: Money and Exchanges at the Centre
Chair: Maria Cristina MARCUZZO
11:00 Perry MEHRLING (Boston University, USA): Exorbitant Privilege? The Rise and The Rise of the Global Dollar System
Discussant: Maria Cristina MARCUZZO
Ivo MAES (University of Louvain, Belgium) and Ilaria PASOTTI (Archivio Storico di Intesa Sanpaolo Italy): From the
1931 Sterling Devaluation to the Breakdown of Bretton Woods: Robert Triffin’s Analysis of International Monetary Crises.
Discussant: Sylvie RIVOT
12.30 Lunch
V session: On the Shoulders of the Giants
Chair: Alessandro RONCAGLIA
14:00 Sylvie RIVOT (Université de Haute-Alsace, France): Keynes and monetary policy: lessons learnt from the Great Depression
Discussant: Luca FANTACCI
Carlo PANICO (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): Rising Systemic Risk and Financial crises: a ClassicalKeynesian interpretation
Discussant: Alessandro RONCAGLIA
15.30 Coffee Break
VI session: Money, Banking and International Markets
Chair: Warren YOUNG
16:00 Daniela GABOR (University of the West of England, UK)): (Shadow) Money without a Central Bank: Towards a Theory
of Monetary Time
Discussant: Perry MEHRLING
Luca FANTACCI (Università Statale di Milano, Italy): World War II, the Disruption of Commodity Markets and the Debate
on Commodity Reserve Currencies and Tabular Standards
Discussant: Carlo PANICO
Charles GOODHART (London School of Economics, UK) and Manoj PRADHAN (Talking Heads Macroeconomcs):
What Went Wrong and Why
Discussant: Warren YOUNG
18:15 General Discussion and Concluding Remarks
Conference organized in collaboration with
Thomas Guggenheim Foundation, Geneve, Switzerland – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Conference Secretary:
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